
The Overnight – Washington DC
June 3, 2023
The Overnight – Boston, MA
June 22, 2024

Dr. Tucker is a fierce advocate for suicide prevention. After losing his mom by suicide in 2015, he has worked tirelessly in partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Their mission: Save Lives and Bring Hope to Those Affected by Suicide

AFSP is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide, including those who have experienced a loss. AFSP creates a culture that’s smart about mental health by engaging in the following core strategies:

Established in 1987, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a voluntary health organization that gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education, and advocacy to take action against this leading cause of death.

  • Funding scientific research
  • Educating the public about mental health and suicide prevention
  • Advocating for public policies in mental health and suicide prevention
  • Supporting survivors of suicide loss and those affected by suicide